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Preguntas frecuentes

How long does it take for my order to arrive?
For products made by the Huacca Arcana, Warmi Awadora and Aristides communities and/or artisans, the estimated delivery time is from 48 hours to 5 days.
For products made by Awanallaqta Tocapo and Qory Loaraypo, the estimated delivery time it is from 7 to 15 days.
What forms of payment do you accept?
We accept credit and debit card payments through Paypal (you don't need to create an account) and bank transfer to an account in Peru.
What is the return policy?
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What is HAKAU's trading system?
After much active and practical listening, HAKAU connects and shares from a commercial system based on reciprocity and redistribution as our ancestors inherited, together with a supportive and alternative commercial system that seeks development focused on communities, who they inhabit and their environment. Within the main fair trade criteria that we adopt, we relate to others also using fair trade practices, capacity development and respect for the environment.
What is the origin of HAKAU products?
The origin of all the products marketed by HAKAU are developed in the Peruvian territory with native materials from the areas where they are made.